your biggest cheerleader

I help burnout and overwhelmed nurses learn to take as good care of themselves as they take care of their patients.
As nurses, we show up for our patients, families and even our friends, 24 hours a day / 365 days a year. We are professional, decisive, strong, commanding and can manage any life threatening situation. We are a source of strength, compassion and ultimate care for everyone …. except ourselves.
Because we put everyone else at the top of the list, we are inevitably last. We’ve forgotten how to care for ourselves. We overeat, over drink, think obsessively about the one patient situation that didn’t go in our favor. We don’t sleep, and time with our families is spent worrying about what happened yesterday, what we have to do tomorrow and we are not able to be present with the ones we love. We can’t remember what we love most about life, we have no vision for the future and we’ve lost our ability to dream.
If you find yourself at the end of your rope, unable to recognize the person who stares back at you in the mirror, unsure who you even are or what your truest heart desires are….
I’ve been there, I understand!